Gun owners who want to carry a concealed firearm need to apply for a permit to carry a gun and may need to have some specific training to do so legally. While the path to carrying a firearm has some requirements, each state has the right to include additional guidelines for gun owners, so you must check the local rules when considering carrying concealed.

Applying For A Permit

Getting a permit to carry a firearm in most states starts by submitting an application to the state for approval. The local police, state police, or a government office may oversee the permit applications, so you will need to check your state to see who you need to see for the forms to fill out. 

The application process will involve a background check, a criminal history, and any legal issues that could disqualify you. The state can block the process for many reasons, and some of the most common are related to criminal convictions, mental health issues, and physical disabilities that make it difficult to fire a gun safely and accurately.

Some states charge a fee for the application, and others do not, so check with your state to see if you need to pay for the application or wait until the permit is approved to pay the fees. In some states, the cost of the background check and the processing is the applicant's responsibility, and the state fees are not consistent from state to state, so you will need to ask about them when picking up the application. 

Once the application is submitted, you may have to wait a few weeks to process it, and the issuing authority will call you when your results are in. If approved, you will pick it up at the same place you turned in the application, or it may be mailed to your home.

Training Requirements

There are federal laws surrounding gun ownership, registration, and carry, but most states also include rules that add to the process. In many states, you need to attend a permit-to-carry class or training before applying for your permit-to-carry. The training program must be approved by the state to qualify. 

The training courses are often not designed to teach you to shoot your gun and instead focus on firearm laws and what will happen if you shoot someone to protect yourself, your family, or another party. It is essential to understand when you can legally use your firearm, and when you are better to walk away from the situation. 

Following the legal guidelines will protect you if you need to fire your weapon, and having a permit to carry shows you have the training necessary.
